Most of
you have heard me rail on for hours regarding glassware, and most of you have
written it off as typical sous-brewer snobbery. For many uninformed folks out
there, beer glassware is an exercise in who cares, or at the very least, a
matter of something to put my beer in. For the extremely unenlightened, the simple
act of drinking beer out of a glass as opposed to the bottle/can it came in is
a complete waste of time. The truth is that there are a lot of dumb reasons to
obsess over glassware, but there are also some very important ones that vastly
outweigh the dumb ones, and hopefully after reading this, you’ll be convinced
once and for all.
Proper glassware equals happy beer. |
The majority
of beer drinkers on the planet think of the different types of beer glasses as
a marketing ploy, or as something the beer snobs do to distance themselves from
the beer plebes. Obviously, when a company emblazons their logo onto a glass,
that is marketing, but that’s really where the marketing stops. The fact is
that the proper beer glass will completely change how you experience a beer. As
soon as beer leaves the can, bottle, or tap, everything about it begins to
change. What you pour that beer into affects how it changes, both when you
drink it and when it is waiting to be drank. The glass can change the smell,
look, and overall impression of the beer.
Picture perfect. |
shape of the glass directly affects how “good” the head is, and since the styles
of beer are different, they all have different properties that effect the way
their head behaves after being poured, and therefor require different glasses
to ensure the best head possible. If you don’t already know, head in beer is a
good thing, as it traps the volatiles, or the things in beer that evaporate to
give it it’s smell, in the beer until you’re ready to drink it. In other words,
head keeps the good stuff in the glass until you’re ready to enjoy it. This is
called head development and retention.
breweries, like Sam Adams, Dogfish Head, Sierra Nevada, and many Belgian
breweries, make their own custom glasses to serve their beer in. It is always a
good idea to use a brewery-created glass that corresponds to one or more of
their beers, but that’s not always an option. Most bars, for example, don’t
carry the brewery created glassware to accompany the beer they’re serving.
Below is a list of the more common glasses available and what styles of beer
they are used best with.
are used with Belgian IPA, Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Berliner Weissbier, Dubbel,
Quadrupel (Quad), and Tripel.
Mugs are
used with Amber/Red Ale, Black Ale, Blonde Ale, Brown Ale, IPA, American Pale
Ale (APA), Porter, Stout, Strong Ale, Baltic Porter, Bock, Cream Ale, Czech
Pilsener, Doppelbock, English Bitter, Euro Dark Lager, Extra Special/Strong
Bitter (ESB), German Pilsener, Irish Dry Stout, Irish Red Ale, Keller Bier/Zwickel
Bier, Maibock/Helles Bock, Märzen/Oktoberfest, Milk Stout, Oatmeal Stout,
Scottish Ale, Vienna Lager, and Witbier.
Glasses are used with Adjunct Lager, Amber/Red Ale, Amber/Red Lager, Black Ale,
Blonde Ale, Brown Ale, Dark Wheat Ale, Double/Imperial Stout, IPA, American
Pale Ale (APA), Porter, Stout, Strong Ale, Baltic Porter, Black & Tan,
California Common/Steam Beer, Cream Ale, English Bitter, English India Pale Ale
(IPA), English Pale Ale, Extra Special/Strong Bitter (ESB), Irish Dry Stout,
Irish Red Ale, Milk Stout, Oatmeal Stout, Old Ale, Pumpkin Ale, Russian
Imperial Stout, Rye Beer, Scotch Ale/Wee Heavy, Winter Warmer, and Witbier.
Glasses are used with American Dark Wheat Ale, American Pale Wheat Ale,
Dunkelweizen, Gose, Hefeweizen, Kristalweizen, and Weizenbock.
Glasses are used with American Lager, Amber/Red Lager, Double/Imperial Pilsner,
American Pale Lager, Doppelbock, Dortmunder/Export Lager, Dark Lager, Pale
Lager, German Pilsener, Happoshu, Japanese Rice Lager, Light Lager, Maibock/Helles
Bock, Munich Dunkel Lager, Munich Helles Lager, and Vienna Lager.
are used with American Barleywine, Double/Imperial IPA, Double/Imperial Stout,
Strong Ale, Belgian Dark Ale, Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Strong Dark Ale,
Belgian Strong Pale Ale, Barleywine, Red Ale, Gueuze, Lambic – Fruit, Old Ale,
Quadrupel (Quad), Russian Imperial Stout, Scotch Ale/Wee Heavy, Tripel, and
are used with Double/Imperial IPA, Wild Ale, Belgian Dark Ale, Belgian IPA,
Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Belgian Strong Pale Ale, Bière de
Garde, Flanders Oud Bruin, Flanders Red Ale, Gueuze, Lambic – Fruit, Belgian
Quad, Saison, Farmhouse Ale, and Scotch Ale/Wee Heavy.
Glasses are used with Altbier, Bock, Czech Pilsener, Gose, Gueuze, Kölsch, and Lambic.
Not recommended behavior. |
So now
you have a glimpse into the world of glassware, the science behind it, and the
importance of serving your beer in the correct vessel. It’s not just marketing,
and it certainly isn't snobbery. If you’re taking the time to be picky with
beer, and paying for the better flavor, why wouldn't you want the flavor and
aroma to be as enhanced as possible? I honestly can’t think of a single reason.
I recommend printing this blog post out and taking it with you to a bar… wait,
no… on second thought… memorize these words of wisdom, or go all 21st century
and just bookmark this page so you can quickly access on your smartie phone –
yeah, that’s the ticket. Either way, take pride, and take care of your beer. It
deserves it; so do you.
to craft-brewed happiness… Cheers!
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