Thursday, April 19, 2012

Always Look in the Back of the Fridge

Cheer up Brian...
Eric Idle of the British comedy team Monte Python once sang a song called “Always look on the bright side of life.” Great advice to be sure, but for my money, equally great advice is to always look in the back of the fridge. Let me explain.

If your house is anything like mine, the items in the fridge are constantly in flux. Tonight’s leftovers will undoubtedly travel from the front of the shelf to the bottom back corner of the fridge by breakfast tomorrow morning. Not to mention that as you accumulate more beer, you get excited to drink the new ones, which often results in neglecting the last one or two from previous six packs. As a result of the unsettled nature of things, your beer can easily end up hidden behind a head of lettuce or wedged between the milk and the eggs… and then you forget it’s there.

This is not actually our fridge, but it might as well be
Just the other day, I was convinced that I was down to one bottle of beer in the entire house… a bottle of Abita Brewing Company’s Andygator Helles Dopplebock (not a bad beer to have if there is only one left). As I was wargaming a strategy to go to the store to get more beer before getting loaded on the Andygator, it occurred to me that there was a bottle of Lagunitas Imperial Red that I didn’t remember drinking. Granted forgetfulness and beer drinking do go hand in hand at times, but I thought it was worth looking for it in the back of the fridge… just to be sure. But as I looked back there, behind the milk and the OJ, I saw the Imperial Red, and next to it, was a third bottle… a bottle that I had absolutely no idea was in there… a bottle of Lancaster Brewing Company’s Milk Stout. I went from one to three beers, just like that. Somebody up there likes me.
Now THAT's more like it
Now I know what you’re thinking… “Why not get a second fridge that’s just for beer?” Okay, maybe you aren’t thinking that, but I am. I think that the need to keep up with the beers in your house trumps milk, and lettuce, and eggs, and whatever the frack else is in the fridge, other than beer. Does it require a revolution? Perhaps. You say you want a revolution, well, you know, we all want to change the world.

Here’s to craft-brewed happiness… Cheers!


  1. You take over my fridge, you sleep with the fishies. Or on the couch. You know, whatever. At least your wife is completely aware of what beer is in the fridge. Next time you should ask her. And then we'll buy you a beer fridge for the next house.

  2. Gave a neighbor a unwanted well weathered coach lamp that is a stock item up to spec for our neighborhood. He in turn gave me a 6r containing 4 yuenglings and 2 Sierra Pale Ale, now where did I put that church key? Anyway it def was something for nothing. The latest research (?) shows that beer in a can stays fresher longer than beer in a bottle, duh! Who didn't know that!! I have a college sz fridge if ya want it. I had it running in my garage here in Fl. and my electric bill went up $30 / m. My hot water heater is in the garage and never runs, (not true but it doesn't run much). I just drink my beer fast enough that it's always fresh, no 2nd fridge for me. We suffer from severe beer shortages on a reg basis.

    1. Not sure what a coach lamp is, but I'm sure it was a good trade... particularly those two Sierra Nevada Pale Ales. Canning is becoming the latest surging trend in the craft brewing community. Many breweries are installing canning lines which saves space and money I suppose. As for freshness, as long as you drink beer at a normal person's pace or better (and don't do anything foolish like keeping them in the sun or high temps), it wont matter. I don't like the $30 per month increase in electric bills.
