Sunday, May 13, 2012

Give Mom a Beer!

A Mom with a beer is
a happy Mom
Today is Mother’s Day. Hopefully, you already knew that, but in case you didn’t, stop reading this blog immediately and call your mother.

For those who are still reading, I have a nickel’s worth of free advice regarding the perfect Mother’s Day gift for Mom… wait for it… give Mom a beer!

Most people feel they have to stand elbow to elbow in the hallmark aisle at the local grocery store, or hand-select from the endless (and seemingly identical) arrays of pre-arranged flower bouquets that are wrapped in cellophane and on a rack at the end of the cereal aisle next to the Entenmanns. I suspect that if anyone bothered to ask her, Mom would much rather have everyone leave the freakin’ house for the afternoon so she can enjoy a cold one in peace. Now that sounds like a Mother’s Day gift.

The "Mother" tattoo makes everything
seem tougher
In order to pull this off, you’ll have to do a little research. Find out what kind of beer Mom likes. Is she a Belgian lover or a hop head (my kind of woman)? Does she gravitate towards lagers or are her tastes a bit darker, like those of a true stout hound? Once you have Mom’s idiom all figured out, proceed to that same grocery store, but instead of fighting the crowds in the cards and flowers aisle, go directly to the crafty beers section and hook Mom up. Then, give her the beers and take everyone with you when you leave. You’ll finally be able to tell your brothers and sisters that you are her favorite, and there’s nothing they can say or do about it.

If you’re not sure what kind of brew Mom likes, and given that Mother’s Day falls in May, I would suggest light, crispy summer seasonals and heffeweizens, or Belgian witbiers and saisons as great spots on the beer style spectrum to start looking. If Mom has a distinguished palate, opt for something spicy or brewed with fruit.

A brewery tour is a gift that both Mom and her
kid can enjoy
Note: If your Mom is a true, unabashed and unapologetic beer connoisseur, than this strategy may not be enough. You might have to think bigger if you still want to go down in Mother’s Day history. Might I suggest accompanying Mom on a tour of local brewery, or to a cask or keg tapping event at a local brewpub? The important thing is to let Mom relax and enjoy herself. Kids Day happens 364 days a year, but Mom only gets one, so don’t screw it up.

Here’s to craft-brewed happiness (and to Moms too)… Cheers!


  1. Last time I checked, your kind of woman was a Belgian lover, NOT a hop head. If that's changed, we need to have a serious talk.

    P.S. - Next year, I want a bottle of Saison Rue or a sixer of a blonde ale of sorts and an empty house for a few hours.
