Tuesday, May 29, 2012


For whom the bells toll, time marches on
There is a craft brewery in Kalamazoo, Michigan that has their act together. They are melding the spirit of craftiness with the outlet of poetry, and the results are pretty freaking cool. The brewery is Bell’s Brewing Company, and the event is Hopslam.

This is actually a smartly placed marketing strategy by the folks at Bell’s, as they are timing this event with the release of their double IPA called, wait for it, Hopslam Ale. In order to properly release and generate buzz for one of their signature creations, they encourage their fans to write poems that are inspired by their beer, and then they host a traveling poetry slam where people can a) enjoy some 2012 released Hopslam and b) showcase their work. Bell’s also picks their favorites and puts them on their website – ensuring at least 15 minutes of fame to their authors in exchange for the publicity that the event generates. Sounds like a pretty fair trade.

Not a bad way to go if you ask me
And because they publish their favorite poems on their website, I have the opportunity to read them and share them with you, and give these bards a sixteenth minute as it were. Here are the odes that made the Bell’s cut:

hopslammed! damn... I am!
thanks, ma'am, or sir, as it were
bright hop profusion
sweet honey soothes, so divine
two grand peers entwine
what a lovely afterglow

- Fran Hull (first place)

Those tart hoppy notes
Tickle the back of my throat
Big smile on my face

The high gravity
Alcohol fruit fantasy
Gotta buy a case

- David Mickey-Pabello (second place - Hopslam brew double haiku)
The unofficial words of House Stark
Oh bountiful hops
A delight in bitterness

- Karla Metzger (third place)

There is a brewer named Bell.
Who makes great beers really swell
When he got in a jam
He created Hopslam
And now the world is all well.

- Roy More, via FaceBook

Pop the Hopslam top, into my gullet she flows, shoulda bought a case.

- Michael Troutwine, via Facebook

Slammed Full Of Hops
Malt, Grain, Yeast and lots of Love
Hop Heads Rejoice Now!

- J. Chandler Hall, via Google+

For more information on where to get in on the Hopslam (the event or the brew), check in on the Bell’s website at http://www.bellsbeer.com/. Go have a beer, courtesy of the pride of Kalamazoo.

Here’s to craft-brewed happiness… Cheers!

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