Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Hobgoblin

The Wychwood Galaxy of Beer Art
I devote a large chunk of time on this blog writing about American craft beer. America is, after all, the epicenter of the craft beer revolution, and American brewers have taken the art of brewing to the next level and beyond. But just because I prefer to celebrate American craft beer doesn’t mean I completely ignore beer from across the pond. Without our Euro forefathers, we would not be brewing here in the States. Plus, there is a lot of really good beer being made over there.

Today, I want to talk about a beer that is made by the Wychwood Brewery, located in Oxfordshire, England called Hobgoblin. Hobgoblin is brewed with chocolate and crystal malts and styrian, goldings and fuggles hops to produce a full-bodied, ruby colored beer that delivers pronounced chocolate and toffee flavor notes with a subtle fruit character. It weighs in at a passive 5.2% ABV and pairs well with steak, sausages, burgers and BBQ, as well as char-grilled veggies.

So you know what to look for

Wychwood has a distribution deal firmly in place to send their flagship beers like Hobgoblin here to the States, so it is very easy to find this delicious import at your local beer depot. You may have to start your search at a higher quality beer store, but you will be able to find these 500ml beauties and enjoy them.
Yeah... take THAT Lagerboy

And then there’s that aggressive tag line, “What’s the matter Lagerboy… Afraid you might taste something?” Brilliant.

Here’s to craft-brewed happiness… Cheers!

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